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PosiGen's New Partnerships Mean More Solar Energy For Homeowners

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PosiGen has been on a mission since day one to help lower the cost of solar energy for the homeowners who need it most. It has been a challenging, but also a very rewarding mission for us. That is why we are excited to announce our new partnerships with the NewWorld Capital Group, and Constellation Technology Ventures! These two great companies will help us continue our mission of spreading clean and affordable energy to more homeowners than ever before.

“We are delighted to work with NewWorld and Constellation Technology Ventures to expand our presence in new states and continue to make solar and energy efficiency easy and affordable options for a large and underserved market.” Tom Neyhart, CEO of PosiGen.

PosiGen is the only U.S. residential solar company delivering low-cost options for residential solar PV and energy efficiency improvements to help reduce energy cost burdens for low and moderate income homeowners in Louisiana, New York, Conmnecticut and Florida.

The future is looking exceptionally bright for homeowners who haven’t gone solar yet!


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