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Transform Your Home with PosiGen’s Solar Leasing Program

PosiGen is dedicated to our mission of bringing solar to all — and our solar leases are helping to do just that. With our 25-year leasing program, you get all the benefits of solar power at a low cost.

Solar Leasing - From the Experts at PosiGen

Having installed over 40,000 solar systems, our team has perfected the solar leasing process to help you save on energy costs. Discover the advantages of solar leasing and see how our experts can guide you through the process.

What is a Solar Lease?

A solar lease allows you to enjoy the benefits of solar power without the upfront costs of purchasing and installing a system. With our 25-year leasing program, you'll start saving money from day one while reducing your carbon footprint.

The Benefits of Solar Leasing


Save on Your Energy Bills

See immediate savings on your monthly energy costs. Start saving today!


Get Energy Independence

Reduce your reliance on the grid by generating your own energy.


Manage Your Budget

Predict your monthly bill accurately. With solar leasing, your recurring energy costs are locked in at an even rate.

Why PosiGen Solar Leasing ?

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Credit Score and Income Verification Not Required

PosiGen eliminates the obstacles of minimum credit scores and income requirements to make solar accessible to all homeowners.

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Guaranteed Savings

We won't recommend you go solar unless we can guarantee you will save on your monthly energy costs in the first year after your system is activated.



No Upfront Costs

Start your journey to energy savings without the hassle of large upfront costs, credit score checks, or income requirements.

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Proven Experience

With over 40,000 successful installations across seven states, PosiGen is the experienced and trusted choice for solar leasing. Our decades of expertise ensure a seamless process.

Begin Your Installation Journey

1. Design & Engineering

Our solar experts will review your home's energy needs, shading, and seasonal impacts to determine the correct location and number of panels. This process includes:

  • Site Survey
  • Prepare Site Layout
  • Structural Engineering Review
  • Prepare Engineered Drawings
  • Prepare Submission for Permits and Utilities 
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2. Permit & Approval

We help you through the permitting process and ensure all paperwork is squared away. Depending on the municipalities involved, this can include:

  • Obtaining permits from electrical and building permitting authorities
  • Obtaining pre-installation utility approvals
  • Submitting relevant incentive & rebate applications
  • Scheduling installation
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3. Installation

Our solar experts will deliver and install your solar solution. While the panel installation usually only takes a day, there are several steps that need to be completed before and after the installation, such as:

  • Make any needed electrical or structural upgrades
  • Set up the system according to the design
  • Conduct comprehensive testing and quality inspection
  • Clean up job site
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4. Inspection

Your new panels will undergo inspection to ensure they have been correctly and safely installed and are ready for use. In addition to inspection, homes undergo an energy efficiency audit to ensure you are getting the most out of your system. This phase includes:

  • Schedule inspection and receive approval from permitting authority
  • Request and receive permission to operate from Utility
  • Energy Efficiency Audit

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5. Activation

After all necessary approvals, your new solar system can be activated and begin generating energy. This step of the process includes:

  • Remote activation of your system
  • Physical AC disconnect turned on
  • Start receiving electricity
  • Your receive your first bill within 4 weeks of activation

Is Solar Leasing Right for You?

Solar Leasing

No upfront cost

No credit or income requirement

Guaranteed first-year savings*

Easy monthly payments

Energy efficiency upgrades included

System monitoring and maintenance included for the life of the lease

PosiGen will install the system

PosiGen Customers Saving Big With Solar

"I was very interested in [solar] because I knew solar panels were going to help me, and this is futuristic. I’m saving money. I did not expect the additional upgrades. We were told that certain things would be done but this is — to me — beyond the call of duty and I’m very appreciative of it because I know it will add to the savings."

Rosalind C.

"[What] I’m saving on my energy is my vacation money. My wife can go shopping a little bit more, we can go and do a little other things. I can do a little bit more things around the house, I can help my daughter out [too]. It almost helps you get financial freedom. It also helps our city, our climate, everything that’s trying to go green in order to help our atmosphere, our planet."

Kevin H.

"Without the leasing program, I probably would not have gotten any solar panels. I should be able to see a direct savings on my bill…and the energy efficiency added to it is really good too. So you cut back on your energy and you save some money."

Crystal V.


How does solar leasing work?

With a solar lease, you pay a fixed monthly fee to have a solar system installed on your home. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of solar power without the upfront costs.

How much is a solar lease per month?

Your monthly lease payment will depend on things like your energy needs and system size, but it's designed to be lower than your current electricity bill.

What happens at the end of a solar lease?

When your lease is up, you’ll have the option to renew, purchase the system at market value, or have it removed at no cost to you.

Contact PosiGen Today

Invest some time to speak with a PosiGen Solar Specialist and find out how much you can save on your energy costs!