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Spotlight: Matt and Andrea Melcher - Massachusetts Solar Heroes

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In our ongoing mission to make clean energy accessible to all, PosiGen is proud to highlight some of our incredible customers who have taken the leap into renewable energy. Today, we're shining the spotlight on Matt and Andrea Melcher, our first customers in Massachusetts. They have not only reduced their carbon footprint but also achieved significant savings since their panels were installed in early December. Let's delve into their solar journey and learn more about their experience with PosiGen.

Meet the Melcher Familymelchers

Matt and Andrea Melcher are a family of four hailing from Agawam, Massachusetts. With two kids and a love for outdoor activities, the Melchers enjoy spending quality time together, going on vacations, engaging in family activities, and supporting their boys' sports endeavors.



Choosing PosiGen for Solar Power

When we asked the Melchers why they decided to go solar, they emphasized the rising costs of their electric bills as the main motivation. With expenses spiraling out of control, they sought a sustainable solution that would also help them save money. That's when PosiGen entered the picture.

The Melchers first learned about PosiGen when a representative showed up at their doorstep, offering to share information about our solar services. Intrigued by the proposition, they decided to explore the possibilities further.

During their solar installation journey, the Melchers did consider other solar companies. However, several factors led them to choose PosiGen. “The [PosiGen] sales representatives were more knowledgeable in their products, confident in their answers. We [also] liked the pricing for renting better than the other companies,” Andrea said, “they [other companies] also said that the panels to rent [from them] were of lesser quality than the ones for purchase.” This information was upsetting to the Melchers, who felt like they should get the same quality of panels and the same savings, regardless of leasing vs. purchasing solar. With PosiGen, they felt comfortable that they would receive the full benefits of switching to solar regardless of leasing or purchasing. 


Benefits of Going Solar

Since making the switch to solar power, the Melchers have experienced numerous benefits. In the first month, their electric bill dropped from $250 per month to a mere $3. And the second month saw even bigger savings, with Andrea saying they had no bill at all! The significant savings on their electric expenses have been a source of immense satisfaction and a testament to the positive impact of going solar with PosiGen.


Overcoming Reservations & Advice for Prospective Solar Switchers

As with any major decision, the Melchers had concerns before making the choice to switch to solar. “We were worried if the results would actually be worth our time and…we waited a while before considering [solar panels] due to needing a new roof.” They say, however, their savings and experience speak for themselves. They found the entire process to be seamless and hassle-free, “they [PosiGen] were great every step.” 

Reflecting on their solar journey, the Melchers had only one thing to say to those considering a switch to solar power, “Do it. If you have a home in an area that meets the criteria to benefit from solar, it is worth it.” 

The Melchers' story exemplifies the transformative power of solar energy, from immediate bill reductions to a greener future for their family. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Matt and Andrea for being pioneers in Massachusetts and for sharing their positive experience with PosiGen.

Are you ready to join the solar movement and become a PosiGen Solar Hero like the Melchers? Get in touch with us today to learn how you can save money while making a lasting impact on the environment. Together, we can build a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

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