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Simplifying Climate Conversations | PosiGen

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We all know climate change is an important issue. However, it can be difficult to wrap your head around; climate change is a complex topic that everyone seems to have their own opinion on. How can you simplify climate conversations to make them easier to understand — and easier to combat?

Let’s talk about the climate change basics: what is it, why does it matter, and what can you do about it?

What is Climate Change?

Let’s start with climate. What does climate mean? It is the average weather conditions in an area over a period of several years. It’s important to note that climate is not the same as weather. Just because it’s snowing today doesn’t mean that the average weather in this area over a long period is always snowy. The difference between them can be subtle, but it is important if you want to understand climate change!

Climate change is a shift in the average weather conditions over a period of time. Our world is getting warmer; we are seeing a rapid increase in average temperatures year over year. The average temperature of the Earth is now 1.2°C higher than it was in the 1800s — which doesn’t seem like a lot, but the temperature change is accelerating.

So what does the warming Earth have to do with us? The change in temperature over the past 150 or so years is largely attributable to human activity. We use fossil fuels to power our homes, cars, factories, and cities. As they burn, fossil fuels release carbon dioxide, or CO2, into the atmosphere. This CO2 acts like a huge blanket around the Earth. It traps heat from the sun and doesn’t allow it to escape. This leads to hotter temperatures and a changing climate.

Why Do Climate Conversations Matter?

As the climate warms, weather patterns become unpredictable. We’ve seen an increase in catastrophic weather conditions, even in the last few years. Hurricanes have been consistently powerful and intense. Tornadoes, tropical storms, blizzards, and tsunamis are hitting with increasing frequency.

Many areas are becoming warmer and drier. This increases wildfires, but it is also making previously fertile farmland unsuitable for growing crops. Glaciers and ice caps are melting in the ocean, leading to rising sea levels that could eventually flood cities and towns on coasts, making them uninhabitable.

At the same time, animal species are disappearing. We are currently in a period of mass extinction, as hundreds of species are dying off as a result of human activity and climate change. While this can all feel very daunting, keeping these climate conversations top of mind, is essential to moving forward and doing something about it.

What Can You Do About It?

Our world is in danger, and it’s important for all of us to gain an understanding of climate change so that we can take appropriate action. You may not be able to fight wildfires on your own, but you can reduce your carbon footprint by making smarter energy choices.

Begin by thinking about your own energy use. Are there ways you can use less or areas where you can switch to a more sustainable energy source?

Once you’ve taken the time to learn about climate change and think about your own footprint, share the conversation. Talk to your friends and family about their own impact on the environment and keep the climate conversations going. The best thing we can do for our Earth is to keep climate change in the forefront of everyone’s minds — and to keep taking action to reduce our carbon footprints.

Looking to Take Climate Action? Consider Going Solar

One great way to reduce your individual impact on the environment is to go solar. Installing solar panels reduces your reliance on the grid and fossil fuels and allows you to generate your own electricity. You’ll save money on your monthly bills and help the environment at the same time. Considering going solar? Reach out to PosiGen. One of our solar experts would be happy to help.


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