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PosiGen and Marathon Capital Donate Energy Upgrades to NOLA Families

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Saving One Hero at a Time

On March 22, 2023, Posigen and Marathon Capital teamed up to offer free solar systems and home energy efficiency upgrades to two deserving New Orleans-area families through their Hero Homes program. The program's goal is to make renewable energy more accessible and affordable for those who need it most while giving back to families who have made a difference in their local, underserved communities. This year's recipients were Eula DeJean and Katherine Prevost, both from the city's 9th Ward neighborhoods.

Deajean Crew_web"Giving back is a huge component of our company, so we feel very fortunate to offer another year of the Hero Homes program," stated PosiGen CEO Thomas Neyhart. "We're helping to create energy independence for these deserving homeowners because it's our mission at PosiGen to make solar available to everyone. All homeowners deserve both the financial and environmental benefits of solar and energy efficiency upgrades. PosiGen is bringing it to the communities that need it most. We look forward to reducing these homeowners' energy burdens while making their homes healthier."

Mrs. DeJean has lived in and around the lower 9th Ward since 1965. Together with her late husband, U.S. Veteran Freddie DeJean Jr, she raised a family and made a home in the city. While a sprite young senior citizen herself, Mrs. DeJean is now a caregiver for her sister, who is currently suffering from dementia. The Hero Homes volunteers from around the country came together to outfit Mrs. DeJean's 1,600 square foot home with solar panels and energy efficiency upgrades, including sealing drafts and upgrading her lighting, and weather stripping her windows.


The second recipient, Mrs. Katherine Prevost, is a pillar in her community and is the president and executive director of the Upper 9th Ward Bunny Friend Neighborhood Association. Mrs. Prevost started the organization in 2006 to stimulate progress in the Upper 9th. PosiGen and Marathon employees worked throughout the day at Mrs. Prevost’s historic duplex home to install panels and expanded energy efficiency upgrades which included new energy-efficient appliances.


The upgrades will allow both Mrs. Prevost and Mrs. DeJean to reduce their energy consumption and costs. "I'm looking forward to reducing my electricity bill while also improving the comfort of my home," Mrs. Dejean said. "Thank you, PosiGen and Marathon Capital, for giving me control over my energy costs."

Following the installation, Mrs. Prevost attended a celebration dinner with the PosiGen and Marathon Capital teams, where it is said she brought them to tears as she expressed her optimism and gratitude for their hard work.

Maximized Savings with Solar and Energy Efficiency Upgrades

dejean crew working_webCombining solar panels and energy efficiency allows homeowners like Mrs. Prevost and DeJean to maximize their savings. One of the most significant benefits of an energy audit is the identification of inefficiencies in a building's energy usage. An energy audit can reveal air leaks, insulation problems, and other issues that contribute to energy waste. By addressing these issues, families can save money on their energy costs while also reducing their carbon footprint. In the past decade, the company has completed over 22,000 installations resulting in 45,000 plus kWh saved per customer. When combined with energy efficiency audits, PosiGen has produced over 750,000,000 kWh.

Bringing it to Those Who Need It Most

PosiGen's mission is to make solar energy savings accessible to all homeowners, particularly low to moderate-income households, through a lease product. The lease is designed to allow homeowners to reap the energy-saving benefits of solar with no upfront costs and no credit and income requirements (which are typically required in the industry). PosiGen's core offering is a 25-year solar lease that includes an energy efficiency upgrade for 100% of solar-feasible homeowners who may not otherwise be able to afford solar or energy efficiency upgrades.


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