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The Bright Stuff

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The U.S. Military is making a bright investment.

PosiGen is a proud employer of military veterans, so when we hear of military bases going solar for their energy needs, our smiles shine!

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PosiGen’s CEO, Tom Neyhart proudly displays his recognition as a patriotic employer at the corporate office.

Having a fully functional armed forces takes a lot of energy, which can mean a lot of fossil fuels. In fact, in the past year alone, the Department Of Defense spent more than $20 billion on energy and consumed over five billion gallons of oil.

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Solar arrays provide power independently from the grid, which reduces the risk posed by blackouts and potential cyber-attacks.

The United States’ Armed Forces will transition ever more into renewable energies as technology becomes more affordable. As more of its operations are carried out with this technology, the procedures of America’s armed forces will be less susceptible to global supply and price disruptions.

The Army, Navy, and Air Force all implemented clean energy goals that will see 3 gigawatts of renewable energy installed by 2025. Photovoltaic solar systems already account for 58 percent (1.74 gigawatts) of this goal. The United States’ armed forces are well on their way toward accomplishing their clean energy goals.

Shine on, America!


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